Fun Facts
Here you can find some fun facts about the game.
These can be of any type, from useful things to quite useless ones speaking properly, but somehow fun to know.
#1 - In mazes, items may be dropped by slayed enemies. If you don't pick up those and just sit in front of them, they simply disappear after 3 minutes.
#2 - Enemies with super armor, Yorhaka at least (boss of the raid "Altar of Void), can completely restore their super armor if they don't get hit after a certain amount of time.
#3 - You cannot reset your position when enemies are fighting against you, but if you stay far enough from them for few seconds, you can reset your position even if the enemies aren't dead yet.
#3-b - The reset position feature has a use cooldown of 1 minute. (need confirmation!)
#4 - In case of events with drops on bosses, the best place to farm event resources is Forgotten Armory EP2 (Hard and Maniac modes only): both boss and elite mobs drop these event items. It is actually the only known place where this trick is exploitable.
#5 - When inspecting/using a quest item while the maze's completion cutscene occurs, keep holding the interaction hotkey ("F" by default) to interact with it will work as if the cutscene didn't occur at all => you can interact with the item during the cutscene this way, and then save ~2 seconds out of it.
#6 - For each 100 combo performed, you get a passive buff. This one can be:
- +5% AS for 10s.
- +10% crit rate for 10s.
- +10% attack damage for 10s.
- +10% DMG Reduction for 10s.
- +5% Agility for 10s.
- SG restoration (+50% ?).
- Super armor for 5s.
- Enemies hit melee receive more damage during a few time (5/10s).
- Maybe some others.
Different buffs stack, but a buff that is already active will get reset if it procs a new time.
#7 - Usually, you can perfectly swap your weapon in mazes, BUT NOT when your Frenzy/Awakening/Desire Awakening skills are active.
#8 - Mazes in normal and maniac modes provide the same EXP gains for identical slayed enemies in the same episode! The fact you could notice a difference between normal and maniac modes in terms of EXP gains in the same episode is that enemies' level differ between normal and maniac modes. However, the maze's completion reward is always better in maniac mode than normal mode for an identical final note.
#9 - For some actions, using the right-click on mouse for a specific action (for example "use" or "equip") seems to act like a left-click.
#10 - Pressing the spacebar key when you want to enter a maze launches it directly. It is also possible to enter a district by double clicking on the maze's episode.
Note that this little trick about double-click isn't possible to use for raids (but the spacebar key remains effective though).
#11 - Double clicking on an item allows you to directly equip it on your character or put it in/out of your warehouse; it can also select it for some other actions such as upgrading, dismantling (for soulstones) and etc.
Basically, performing a double-click on an item for such actions is equal to dragging 'n dropping it where you want it to be (such as selected item for upgrades, equipped item or storing/unstoring it from the bank and etc.).
#12 - When running a maze as a team, you get more or less zenny from the completion reward depending on your current ranking: the 1st ranked player will receive a bit more ZN than the last ranked one. However, it is not worth it to focus on getting the best rank for extra ZN here since the amount of extra ZN coming from mazes' rankings are negligible: as I experienced myself with a friend, we barely get +0.003% ZN by being 1st ranked in endgame raids, which is like ~340 ZN of difference.
You also get more (with an S+ mark in endgame raids, 115,027 ZN solo vs 115,257 ZN duo at last place).
#13 - In the market, under "Fashion" tabs, you can see a preview of on-sale items by pressing Shift key + left-clicking on the concerned item or by simply clicking (right/left clicks seem both to work) on its icon.
#14 - When you receive Agility maluses, jumping counters this debuff (your Agility is set at 100% when jumping and this particularity seems never to change).
#15 - When receiving damage that ignore your resistance and deal 2x 50% of your max. HP as direct damage (ie. damage patterns that can one shot you in a blink), having an odd value of max. HP allows you to survive with 1 HP left in case your current HP were equal to your Max. HP.
This is due to the fact such kind of pattern subtracts your HP by dealing damage with rounded by default value: for example, if you have 70001 Max. HP and receive the 2x 50% damage pattern, it will deal 2x 35000 HP so 70000.
#16 - When passing the daily reset while being still logged-in on your character, you might not receive the daily login bonuses normally. But you don't need to log-off and then relogin to get them: by simply switching from your current channel in a city zone, from one server channel to another (like from US to DE or whatsoever), you receive them without having to relog in.
#17 - In Ark Ship EP1, there is a wide room with a huge capacitor at its end. Destroying this one will immediately destroy every enemies that are present at the same time within this room. Knowing that, it may be advised for you to wait until all enemies' waves have appeared in the room and then destroy the capacitor only => it will clean up the room for you.
Note that this is the only capacitor of the game that can do that. All others do nothing (except removing ground traps) when destroying them.
#18 - Hidden Hideout raid has 3 core phases during the fight: respectively at 80, 50 and 20 remaining lifebars for the boss. During those, you need to destroy the core to remove the boss' resistance buff and some skills' freezing constraint. However, it is possible to passively remove the boss' buff without having to destroy the core: if 10 minutes have passed since the concerned core phase started, the boss will automatically lose his resistance buff; this trick affects every core phases.
Nevertheless, the freezing constraint on the concerned skills (those that freeze your team when using them during the on-going core phase) is not removed this way, and remains active until the core is destroyed. Even though the boss' buff disappears, the core is still alive so these skills are still forbidden to use. They will remain the same: if you skip the 80 lifebars' core phase then only buffs are forbidden, but they will stay forbidden until this specific core is destroyed even if the 20 lifebars' core phase is triggered.
#19 - In Concrete Jungle EP2 and EP4, there is a room where you have to survive enemies' infinite spawning during a specific time in order to move to the next room. When the timer ends, there is a short time during which support tanks annihilate all the remaining enemies, and then unlock the switch door to access the next room.
It is actually possible to open this switch before the timer ends (~7s before). If you manage to defeat all the fixed waves appearing in center of the room + some random edges' enemies at the same time, of some sort there is no remaining enemy within the area for a short period and at a specific time, the switch opens earlier. Of course, the use of active akashas helps a lot for this trick here.
#20 - During the accomplishment of the story quest of Junk Pool EP3, you have to fight Junk Knight at some point in the maze. Unlike other in-run cutscenes, this one requires some time to load beside others but the Junk Knight is already physically present inside the room and is vulnerable.
If you are fast enough and have a decent amount of damage, and then manage to one-shot him before his introduction cutscene starts, you can skip it and instead, making load his "running away" cutscene directly.
#21 - As you know, it is possible to skip bosses animations and cutscenes in mazes. For few of them through, it is actually possible to even skip their animation/cutscene before the skipping button appears on your screen; this works especially for The Primal Hero, Altar of Void (for both appearing and death animations) and most of cutscenes for which this button doesn't appear in a second.
The only real way to check which one is actually skippable as aforementioned is to test on every cutscenes until you find some that can be skipped before this button appears on your screen.
#22 - There are few times when bosses initiate patterns during which they become invincible for some time. You probably noticed that hitting invulnerable enemies seems not to increment your combo meter (and this is true for physical hits), and then you may end up thinking your combo chain is broken because of that and you don't need to bother keeping to hit the boss on purpose.
This is actually not the case: it is possible to keep the combo chain active although the enemy is invulnerable. Some skills (for example Death Tornado on Lilly, Red Kiwi on Chii, Fire Spin's burn area on Iris, and etc.) can make your combo chain increasing when hitting an invulnerable enemy. That's not all, because when you physically hit an invulnerable enemy the combos chain doesn't increase visually BUT it is because it is just frozen. If you manage to land continuous hits during the enemy's invulnerability frames, you keep your previous combo chain active and become able to recover it when the boss becomes vulnerable again.
This works only for players using the Fullscreen mode. Whose using Borderless windowed mode or Windowed mode instead are not concerned by this fun fact!
If you play in Fullscreen mode, you most probably experienced an impossible window switching using the ALT + TAB keys combination. If you ever managed to unblock this command (here is the soluce for that), then you probably noticed the game freezes on client-side, but not on server-side. It means you can still get killed by enemies in mazes if you switch windows during combat even though your client got paused while you were surfing on another window.
But among all things we can consider as server-side events, there is one which is actually not a server-side event: the respawn timer.
When you die, you have 100s to respawn (300s if Unique Resurrection used) before automatically abandon the maze and return back to the city zone. If you try to switch windows while being dead in-game this respawn timer doesn't flow but freezes instead, which literally means you can remain dead in-game during 8h in a row if you want without being kicked off the maze, because the timer did not end at all.
Beware with that though, you may get disconnected if you stay outside of the game's window for too long.
#24 - This isn't easy to notice unless you have a quite nice vision/reasoning mind or if you just love calculating things, but an ambiguity exists between two things in this game:
- Damage calculation when soulstones proc
- EXP calculation when an EXP bonus applies on the native value of obtained EXP.
Remember this:
- About EXP calculation, the native EXP (displayed outside of parenthesis) and the bonus EXP (displayed inside parenthesis) are added to each other! For example, if you have 11950(+26050) EXP displayed into the chat, you get then 38000 EXP (11950 + 26050). Also note that EXP bonuses only apply on the native EXP gains and not on the EXP obtained through bonuses (adding +15% on this case will make you obtain ~1793 bonus EXP points, and not ~3908); this fact also applies to ZN drops!
- About damage calculation with soulstones, the damage displayed outside of parenthesis into the chat correspond to the total damage you dealt counting soulstones' extra damage! If you dealt 1.000.000(+350.000) damage to an enemy, you dealt then exactly 1.000.000 here and not 1.350.000! If your stone didn't proc, then you would have dealt "only" 650.000 damage for this example.
#25 - All the puppets you can see in the first 2 episodes of Dreadful Echo are actually counted as Soul Junks and not as puppets.
#26 - When fighting against an an enemy with super armor, killing him actually counts as 1 destroyed super armor even though you didn't destroy it before killing him.
#27 - Entering Skyclock Palace and leaving it right after has for effect to increase the number of defeated mid-bosses by 4, which actually corresponds to the number of Blood SoulWorkers in the raid. Thereby, there is no need to kill the Blood SoulWorkers here to actually increase this achievement.