Chat Commands List


Last update: 12/03/2021




SoulWorker has its own bunch of settings, but also has quite a lot of usable chat commands from emotes to utility commands.
Are listed below a more or less completed list of commands brought with a description of them.



Show Summary



I] Chat



Hotkey Description
Enter Opens the chat.
TAB Changes the chat's channel (Requires the chat to be open before).






II] Gestures


The commands below cannot be used in the Whisper channel. However, they work in any other channel.



2.1) Basic Gestures


Icon Command Description
greet gesture


[Alias] - /dlstk

Use the "Greet" gesture.
laugh gesture


[Alias] - /dntrl

Use the "Laugh" gesture.
sad gesture


[Alias] - /tmfvma

Use the "Cry" gesture. 
cheer gesture


[Alias] - /dmddnjs

Use the "Cheer" gesture. 
dance gesture


[Alias] - /eostm

Use the "Dance" gesture. 
sit gesture


[Alias] - /dkswrl

Use the "Sit" gesture.
provoke gesture


[Alias] - /ehqkf

Use the "Provoke" gesture. You need to draw your weapon first in order to make this command working.
boast gesture


[Alias] - /wkfkd

Use the "Boast" gesture. You need to draw your weapon first in order to make this command working.





2.2) Outfits' Gestures


Icon Command Description
animal pajama gesture


[Alias] - /ehdanfwkadht

Emote from the Pajama Party outfit.
shadow whisper gesture


[Alias] - /tOehdndnltmvj

Emote from the Shadow Whisper outfit.
long live summer / summer love outfits gesture 1


[Alias] - /qlclqhf

Emotes from the Long Live Summer/Summer Love outfits.
long live summer / summer love outfits gesture 2


[Alias] - /tjsqpem

big cat outfit gesture


[Alias] - /qlrzot

Emote from the Big Cat outfit.
black suit outfit gesture


[Alias] - /dlsxpfflqmffor

Emote from the Black Suit outfit.
bunny outfit gesture


[Alias] - /qjsl

Emote from the Twinkle Bunny outfit.
nursery outfit gesture


[Alias] - /ehdtlarkemr

Emote from the Nostalgic Kiddy Uniform outfit.
christmas outfits gesture


[Alias] - /zmfltmaktm

Emote from both Christmas outfits.
danmachi outfit gesture ? Emote from the Danmachi (Hestia) event outfit.
desire weapon gesture


[Alias] - /epwkdldjrkrtjd

Emote from the Desire Worker weapon.
desire outfit gesture


[Alias] - /epwkdldjdnjzj

Emote from the Desire Worker outfit.
glouton outfit gesture


[Alias] - /rmfnxhs

Emote from the Gru Gru Gruton outfit.
hanbok outfits gestures


[Alias] - /gksqhr

Emote from the Fire Rooster Hanbok outfit.


[Alias] - /gksqhr2

Emote from the Year of the Yellow Dog Hanbok outfit.
hero outfit gesture


[Alias] - /gldjfh

Emote from the Miraculous Magic outfit.
superstar outfit gesture


[Alias] - /dkdlehf

Emote from the Idol of Dream outfit.
knight outfit gesture 1


[Alias] - /rltkeks1

Emotes from the Silver Knights outfit.
knight outfit gesture 2


[Alias] - /rltkeks2

konosuba outfits gesture ? Emote from the Konosuba event outfits.
magnolias outfit gesture 


[Alias] - /qmffnaldsmdhkfm

Emotes from the Blooming Dress outfit.


[Alias] - /qmffnaldfhakd

maid outfit 1 gesture

/maid (for female characters)

[Alias] - /apdlem

Emote from the Lovely Maid (first maid) outfit.

/butler (for male characters)

[Alias] - /qjxmffj

milk cow outfit gesture


[Alias] - /alfzmzkdn

Emote from the Milk Cow outfit.
enemy cosplay outfit gesture


[Alias] - /dpsjalvptmxk

Emote from the Enemy Festa outfit.
succubus outfit gesture


[Alias] - /skdlxmapdj

Emote from the Nightmare (succubus) outfit.
yin yang outfit gesture


[Alias] - /dmadidtk

Emote from the Yin Yang Might outfit.
patissier outfit gesture


[Alias] - /vkxltnp

Emote from the Sweet Patissiere outfit.
idol outfit gesture ? Emote from the Idol outfit.
christmas glouton accessories gesture


[Alias] - /vlrutmzpdlxld

Emote from the Icy Spectacle outfit.
red band outfit gesture


[Alias] - /rnsdkreo

Emote from the Red Orchestra Band outfit.
summer sailor outfit gesture


[Alias] - /tpdlffj

Emote from the Hot Summer Sailor outfit.
saint outfit gesture


[Alias] - /rleh

Emote from the Sacred Judgement outfit.
school swimsuit outfit gesture


[Alias] - /tmznfalwm

Emote from the School Swimsuit outfit.
sea breeze outfit gesture 1


[Alias] - /qkeksodma1

Emotes from the Sea Breeze outfit.
sea breeze outfit gesture 2


[Alias] - /qkeksodma2

maid outfit 2 gesture


[Alias] - /tjqjsxmdlszkvp

Emote from the Domestic Servant (second maid) outfit.
sexy maid outfit gesture 1


[Alias] - /tprtlapdlem1

Emotes from the Sexy Maid outfit.
sexy maid outfit gesture 2


[Alias] - /tprtlapdlem2

spiral cat outfit gesture 1 /spiral1 Emotes from the Spiral Cat outfit.
spiral cat outfit gesture 2 /spiral2
steampunk outfit gesture


[Alias] - /tmxlavjdzm

Emote from the Steam Punk outfit.
white sandy beach outfit gesture


[Alias] - /gkdIsahfo

Emote from the White Sandy Beach outfit.
wedding outfit gesture


[Alias] - /fhaostmdosqmffkTJa

Emote from the Romance and Blossom (Wedding) outfit.
white day outfit gesture


[Alias] - /ghkdlxmepdl

Emote from the White Day outfit.
yukata outfits gestures


[Alias] - /dbzkxk

Emote from the Festivities A outfit.


[Alias] - /dbzkxk2

Emote from the Festivities B outfit.


[Alias] - /tksxkrmfnxhs

Emote from the 2018 christmas event fashion accessories (rudolph nose / rudolph antlers / icy crystal earrings)





III] Utilities


Command Description
/block {nickname} Add someone to your blacklist.
/unblock {nickname} Remove someone from your blacklist.
/friend {nickname} Add someone to your friends list.
/removefriend {nickname} Remove someone from your friends list.
/invite {nickname} Invite someone to the party. Does not apply for Forces.
/leave Leave the current team.
/leagueinvite {nickname} Invite someone to your league.

/n {message}

[Alias] - /1 {message}

Write a message in the normal chat.

/p {message}

[Alias] - /3 {message}

Write a message in the team/party chat.

/l {message}

[Alias] - /4 {message}

Write a message in the league chat. (Note: it is the " L" hotkey you have to use here, don't confuse it with uppercase "i")

/w {nickname} {message}

[Alias] - /5 {nickname} {message}

Whisper to someone.

Shift + R


Quickly answer to someone's whisper.
/comment {text} Modify the profile's Biography info. (displayed on the profile)
/memo {text} Modify the Note info. (displayed on the profile card in the friends list)

Modify your current status. (displayed on the profile card in the friends list)

  • 0 = Team search active.
  • 1 = Guild search active.
  • 2 = Looking for friends.
  • 3 = Solo (do not disturb).
  • 4 = Rookie.
  • 5 = AFK.
/monsterstatus 1 Display the total amount of enemies' HP in their lifebar. This also displays the HP of the super armor for enemies having one. (note though that, for the moment, SA HP are superimposed to the Max. HP value and makes this detail unreadable)
/monsterstatus 0 Restore the default parameter for HP display. (=> hidden)
/freecamera 1

Unlock the camera focus so that you can move the camera freely from your character. (note that this feature only works in city zones and not inside mazes)

  • Q = Move down.
  • E = Move up.
  • A = Move to the left.
  • D = Move to the right.
  • S = Move backward.
  • W = Move forward.
  • Right click + mouse move = Manage the camera angle.
  • Holding Left Shift = Slower camera movements.
  • Holding Left CRTL = Faster camera movements.

Entering the command again restores the initial camera position.

/freecamera 0 Restore the default parameter for camera focus. (=> follow the character)
/showui 1 Enable UI display. It is possible to enter this command without having any UI displayed by default: just press enter and type the command blindly (in case you don't know/use a hotkey to show/hide the UI).
/showui 0 Disable UI display (alternative way to the hotkey, in case you don't know/use it to show/hide the UI)
/png Save a transparent image containing your character’s model only. This screen is saved in the "TargetScreenShot" folder, in the root folder of your game.
/time Show the current server's time in the chat. (you need the "System Messages" filter to be enabled in order to see it)


[Alias] - /h

Opens the help window in the "Commands" tab of the Chat category.

Commands with "{nickname}" tag means you have to write down the target's username. This is case sensitive, so you have to fully respect uppercases, lowercases, and special characters to use these functions. Otherwise, it will not work.