Stats Guide - Super Armor Break


Last update: 11/29/2021





The Super Armor Break (or "SAB"; "SA Break")  stat is a damage multiplier that applies on super armors.


The more you have of SA break, the easier you can break enemies' super armor. Don't confuse it with the Armor Break though, the Super Armor Break is completely different from it!

Note that the SA break native rate is also influenced by your damage output (atk + multipliers, + cdmg too in case of a crit hit), that means the enemies' SA will break faster as your damage increase even though your SA break basic rate didn't change at all.

The SA Break itself is especially useful in mazes containing a bunch of resistant enemies and with super armors, such as Abyss Lounge. But choosing to run without it won't have any harm properly.



In case of a choice to make between stats to add, this stat loses strength among other multipliers in terms of long-term fights.