Stats Guide - Manic: DMG


Last update: 11/29/2021





The Manic: DMG stat is some sort of damage multiplier/modifier.
[PvP-related stat only]


This stat applies against PvP enemies only, and doesn't seem to act as a common damage boost: according to external sources, the Manic: Damage stat will ensure you to always deal the same damage as the value of your manic stat regardless of the enemy's defense rate.

For example, having 800 Manic: Damage should result in a security to deal 800 direct damage all the time despite the enemy's resistances.

This stat can be countered by the Manic: Balance stat.



At the moment, it seems it is not possible to increase this stat by any way. Moreover, since there is no PvP content at all on this game yet (beside savage PvP in District 6), increasing such a stat would have no proper use for the moment.